Exploring PLNs: About

We’re an emerging community of practice that is intrigued by the ways that people merge formal and informal learning through their personal and professional networks. We are emerging and forming through this open, online seminar that is designed to explore a question for which there is no single right answer: How might it be possible for organizations and individuals alike to benefit if individuals develop personal learning networks within and outside the enterprise–namely, their employers?

This seminar is designed and facilitated by Jeff Merrell and Kimberly Scott, but two people do not make a community, nor do they alone make a very interesting collaborative online learning event. We are joined by members from our affiliated organization, MSLOC, some of whom are also collaborators who have volunteered to help us facilitate portions of this seminar. But more importantly, we are joined by you who, as a registered participant, will contribute to the discussion and the creation of learning artifacts that we hope will be useful to you in the context of your own organizations.